Deep Oscillation Therapy
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Deep Oscillation Therapy

For Lymphoedema and other conditions

Deep Oscillation Therapy (DOT) with Hivamat 200

Deep Oscillation Therapy is widely used in Europe for the treatment of Lymphoedema and other conditions. It is combined with specific Manual Lymph Drainage techniques (Dr. Vodder Method) applied with minimal or no pressure, making the treatment totally painless and ideal after all types of surgery, stimulating tissue healing and lymph flow.

The treatment causes a slight vibration effect in the deeper tissues, stirring up protein solids, inflammatory by-products and lymph fluid, and the treatment then assists in their removal. The vibration affects the skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood vessels and lymph vessels.

Because of the minimal pressure, early treatments are possible following injury, when pain is present, near open wounds, and following surgery. Chronic, on-going, conditions can also be worked on successfully.

Deep Oscillation therapy is applied via hygienic, vinyl gloved hands. A dry surface is required so a little powder may be used during the treatment.

Clinical studies, published articles and more detailed information can be found on www.physiopod.co.uk


An extremely gentle and clinically proven treatment for:

Primary & Secondary Lymphoedema and Lipoedema
Respiratory conditions such as COPD and cystic fibrosis 
Pre- & post plastic surgery 
Venous insufficiency
Skin conditions such as acne

For guidelines on other conditions please refer to www.physiopod.co.uk


Clinically proven effects

Reduced swelling and pain, reduced bruising and stimulated wound healing.
Increased mobility/range of movement,softening 
of scars and reduced skin irritation
Anti-fibrotic effect (hardening of the tissues)
Stimulates wound healing

Deep Oscillation Therapy is combined with Manual Lymph Drainage
techniques (Dr. Vodder Method) to obtain optimum results.

Contra-indications to Deep Oscillation Therapy

Active tuberculosis, untreated malignant diseases, untreated thrombosis, infectious skin diseases, pacemaker and other electronic implants, pregnancy, untreated heart problems and diseases, cardiac oedema, cellulitis (erysipelas).
For more detailed information visit www.physiopod.co.uk

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